Trinity Church of England Primary School



At Trinity C of E Primary School, we believe that every child should have the skills for life that they need. As we move through the 21st century our children need to be evermore computer literate and fully trained and ready for a digital age.  Through our computing curriculum, we will prepare our pupils to be autonomous users of technology by providing them with the experience and training they will need for secondary school and life beyond. We provide cross-curricular opportunities to take advantage of all the digital resources that are available to enhance learning, gain a deeper understanding and look at subjects in new and dynamic ways. We actively ensure that digital literacy is open to all backgrounds and promote diversity and inclusion in our teaching. Through computational thinking, our students will be trained to problem solve and become ever more creative. Critical thinking is an important part of coding; however, pupils will take away essential skills that can be used in many areas of education and life. At the heart of our teaching is e-safety. We ensure every child knows how to act safely when online, be cautious and considerate and knows when to seek adult advice. Our content also helps them understand their responsibility as a digital citizen and as a member of Trinity’s wider community. 

Trinity Computing Overview

Computing Progression Map