Our Performance
Performance Data and Reports
School Performance
We are very proud of all that our children achieve throughout their time at Trinity both academically and socially.
Following the re-introduction of statutory assessments (SATs) after school closures as a result of COVID, we are delighted that our children at Trinity achieved higher outcomes than other children Nationally by the end of Key Stage 2 and also made more progress.
Assessment Outcomes July 2024
Performance Tables
At present, the Government performance tables show 2018/19 results which were the most current as testing did not take place in 2019/20 or 2020/21 due to COVID-19.
We expect these to be updated with 2022/23 results soon.
When looking at these results, please be aware that these also include the children in our additionally resourced provision. The children in our additionally resourced provision make wonderful progress during their time at Trinity - however, they are not working at the expected standard by the end of Key Stage 2 due to their complex learning needs. They are included in our school results and account for a significant percentage of children who did not meet the expected standard.
Please see our results page above if you would like to see outcomes for the mainstream school only.
Government Compare Schools Performance
SIAMS Report 2017Valuing God's Children
Following our Ofsted inspection at the beginning of June, we are very pleased to be able to share the final report with you.
We are delighted to announce that Ofsted have recognised that Trinity Church of England Primary School continues to be a GOOD school.
We are thrilled with the description of what the inspectors found: that Trinity is an inclusive, warm and caring school where pupils are safe and happy. The inspectors also observed the positive relationships based on mutual respect between staff and pupils and how pupils behave well and work hard in lessons. The report gives many other examples of the great things that they witnessed at Trinity.
We would like to thank you for your continued support of the school and look forward to building upon the school's strengths in the coming years.