Trinity Church of England Primary School


School Day

At Trinity we want to make the most of every minute of a pupils learning time, so when the gates are opened for 8:45am, the children make their way directly into class where their teachers are ready to receive them and begin ‘Early Morning Learning Activities.’

07:30 Breakfast Club opens (Breakfast Club is open to all children and must be paid for in advance or on the day)
08:40 School gates open and pupils, including those attending Breakfast Club, make their way to their classes
08:50 *School gates close. Any late children must use the main entrance to sign in at the school office and provide reasons for lateness.
08.50-09.00 Morning registration
09:00-9:20 Collective Worship
9:20-10:45 Morning Lessons
10:45-11:00 Morning break
11:00-12:15 Morning lessons
12:15-13:15 Lunch sittings:- EYFS,  KS1, KS2
13:15 Afternoon registration
13:20-15:15/20 Afternoon lessons
15:20 Home Time 
15:20-16:20 *Extracurricular clubs (These are clubs which parents/carers must sign up their child to)

After School Club – wrap around child care

(parents/carers must book places via the main office and payment must be made in advance of attending)